The magic dough, 100% successful [Video & pictures]


The magic dough

[Transcription of a video The magic dough]

Hi girls, I hope you’re doing very well Inshallah. Today, I’ll present you the magic dough
which is super wonderful
a very smooth dough and incredibly tasty

It is used for any type of salted, pizza, slippers … anything, really even for sweet dishes
the difference is just the taste or aroma that we will add

la pâte magique - le resultat

he dough that I will present I’ll keep it only for salty dishes
So I put a little salt, pepper and garlic

otherwise you can flavor it with vanilla
if you want to prepare rolls and / or stuffed with sweet filling
exceptional dough
and easy to prepare
by God willing, you will not regret it
now you will succeed beyond any doubt all your sweet and savory pastries
So if you are interested in the recipe … follow with me the steps in detail

Ingredients & steps

We begin with the blessing of Allah
the magic dough - Ingredients - farinepreparing our magic dough
we need sifted flour 500g (18oz)






a teaspoon of salt
the magic dough - Ingredients - sel et lait

a tablespoon of powdered milk

we add theses ingredients





the magic dough - Ingredients - l'ail et le poivre

since this dough, I’ll use it for a salty recipe. So I add some garlic powder and pepper
you can leave it neutral or flavoring, it’s up to you
or put something else (eg vanilla) for a sweet recipe






I need also a tablespoon of bread yeast (chemical) in powderthe magic dough - Ingredients - levure et sucre granulé
and another tablespoon of granulated sugar







the magic dough - Ingredients - Melanger levure et sucre granulé
yeast and sugar are put in a small bowl with warm water
and the mixture is allowed some time to rise
Sugar helps to accelerate the reaction of baking yeast powder and salt idle it
5 to 10 minutes, the time you’ll notice the mixture begins to lift ( rise)



the magic dough - Ingredients - Melanger les ingrédients
after the yeast is “lifted”
it is added in your preparation
and we knead our dough as usual
with warm water
This dough is better than the most famous dough “the 10 minutes dough”



the magic dough - the steps- Après avoir pétri les ingrédients
we keep kneading the dough
till we get an homogeneous dough
that does not stick
this is the result after a good kneading session




the magic dough - Ingredients - Le beure tendre
Next, we add a tablespoon of soft butter
we try to mix everything well






the magic dough - the steps- Incorporer le beurre dans la pâte

This is a somewhat difficult operation
so we go slowly
until you have a smooth dough
and that’s our dough





the magic dough - the steps- Laisser la pâte lever le double du volume

Here I have a container with a little flour
where I’ll put my dough

and allowed to rest covered with plastic wrap or a lid
and let rise until it’s doubled in volume
I will not specify how long it takes for that because it depends on the ambient temperature (in winter it is longer than in summer)
it can go from 30 minutes to more than 1 hour.

Now that’s the dough has doubled in volume
we try to knead it gently to release air
our dough is ready for use 🙂

The result !

and here is the result, and note its good texture.

la pâte magique - le resultat

I hope you try it yourself and you’ll share your experience over a comment,
your questions and comments, I would love to answer them
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The video


Categories: Cuisines

Je suis une apprentie du monde, curieuse de decouvrir tout et essayer…

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